Inspiring the Youth of Beledweyne

One of the key challenges impeding Somalia’s recovery from decades of anarchy and violence is the alarming levels of unemployment. According to UNDP, the unemployment rate amongst the youth in 2012 was 67% across the country. With an estimated population of 172,000, Beledweyne has a thousands of unemployed youth. 

African Volunteers for Relief and Development (AVORD) is a promising Somali organization with big ambitions. Its philosophy is based on the understanding that local communities have inherent capacities to develop if they are equipped with the necessary skills. In line with this philosophy, AVORD is helping young people by training them on various skills that are in demand in local markets.

AVORD carried out a labour market survey which showed that skills related to construction industry were required in Beledweyne, the largest town in Hiran region. With Stability Fund assistance, and in collaboration with community leaders, local authority, private sector and other stakeholders in Beledweyne, AVORD established Tawakal Vocational Training Center. On October 1st 2014, the center was stocked with highly qualified trainers and training equipment.  Over the past four months, 210 youth selected from various backgrounds attended the training program, and were exposed to extensive theoretical and practical sessions, covering four disciplines; masonry, metal fabrication, carpentry and electrical engineering.

Gradually, their lives are being transformed from living in the streets with limited prospects to productive lives with marketable skills and a whole new world of opportunity. Mohidiin Mohamed Hassan, 22-years old, attends the electrical engineering course. In a recent interview, he discussed how his training has positively impacted his life.  “Before I came here, I was quite desperate and my future appeared too uncertain. Every day I woke up, not knowing what to do or where to go next.” Mohidiin’s family, like many students at the center, could not afford to pay for his schooling and he therefore missed the opportunity to get an education.

“I felt I have a sense of purpose and a clear direction of where I am heading”, Mohidiin said.  Upon completion of this training, Mohidiin, like others at the center has a chance to earn an income for himself and support his family too. The Tawakal center has become a hub in Beledweyne, a place where companies come to recruit skilled workers. Mohidiin, is one of 12 trainees who have already been offered a part-time job opportunity by Dayah Power Supply, a local business.    

The six-month training program will end this month. AVORD plans to establish a social enterprise to serve Somalia’s growing construction industry and guarantee the continued operation of the center without relying on grants from the Stability Fund or other donors. The enterprise will play a critical role in rebuilding infrastructure destroyed by war while creating jobs for its graduates.

In partnership with the Stability Fund, AVORD is contributing to local stability by creating alternative income sources for young people – helping to give them better prospects in life. As the center grows, Abdinasir Nur, the director of the center, is enthusiastic and hopes it will have a lasting impact. “We have adopted a different approach whereby youth are trained and provided with continuous mentoring and coaching as they commercialize their new skills. The entire project team and the AVORD family are determined to sustain the initiative for years to come by creating a viable business that delivers skilled workers into the local labour market."

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