February 2014, the Stability Fund began providing technical assistance to the
Interim Jubba Administration (IJA) to establish a sound Public Financial
Management (PFM) framework and the necessary infrastructure for financial
operations to commence by July 2014. This aggressive timeframe was met largely
due to the commitment of the IJA leadership to implementing superior public
financial management systems.
The IJA’s
enactment of the Public Financial Management
Decree 2014 recognized the Minister and the Ministry of Finance (MoF) as the
custodian of IJA financial matters and a legal framework for PFM. Expenditure
management procedures and a robust commercial Financial Management Information
System (FMIS) have been developed for use by the MoF and all other government
bodies. Working closely with Stability Fund, the IJA has also completed an
initial review of subnational government revenue and has developed a decree to
formalize revenue raising.
In September
2014, the Stability Fund delivered a two week seminar for 25 IJA officials to
introduce them to the PFM framework and procedures. This included staff from line ministries and
agencies for the first week, followed by more intensive training for 12 newly-recruited
Ministry of Finance staff during the second week. By the end of the seminar, through a
practical, learning-by-doing approach to capacity building, the FMIS was fully
operational and the recently-approved Budget for the second half of the 2014 fiscal
year had been entered into the system.
next step, as envisaged in the 2014 Budget, was to formalize responsibility for
revenue collection in a new Revenue Administration (The IJARA). A workshop to outline
the strategic plan for establishing the IJARA was completed in Kismayo in October.
Banking arrangements have been established with Dahabshiil Bank, providing safe
cash storage, deposit and withdrawal services, and full transaction reporting.
IJA’s system features a Budget Classification Structure (BCS) that allows the
MoF to control and account for all revenues and expenditures based on the IMF
Government Finance Statistics (GFS) framework.
This particularly applies to donor funding provided directly to the IJA,
which can be uniquely identified. The use of the donor funds can accordingly be
tracked and reported in line with International Public Sector Accounting
Standards (IPSAS).
recent months, the MoF has continued to progress implementation of its PFM
framework, with limited technical assistance and support from the Stability
Fund. The ministry continues to collect revenue, which is now all deposited in
the IJA’s Treasury Single Account (TSA) in Dahabshiil Bank. While a permanent
ministry building is being constructed, financed by the Stability Fund, the
Minister is operating from secure temporary offices. With just 10 laptops and a
reliable internet connection the budget department is now finalising the FY
2015 budget.
Stability Fund is proud to have had the opportunity to work with the IJA on
establishing its PFM framework. The degree of commitment and ownership shown by
the IJA, from the President to data entry clerks, bodes well for the future of
an administration that will thrive by embracing the principles of financial
transparency and accountability, and delivering public services in return for
government revenues.